Progress Marches On

I must say, I really have been hearing a lot about these “Web Logs” (or “blogs” for short). They work like this: people write about what they are thinking, and then they put it on the Internet for other people to read! I decided it was time for me to learn more about this latest fad.

Which is another way of saying that I’ve finally caught up with the times, and have moved everything here over to Wordpress. While my own handrolled CMS was once my pride and joy, I now realise that these last couple of years… well, we’ve grown apart. I’ve seen how the other blogs look at me, with their RSS feeds and their fancy plugins. I’m not blind.

So there’s now an RSS feed, some links and other ‘Small Pieces, Loosely Joined’ over there on the left (your right), and plenty of room for more to happen.

— 28 Jul 2005