
I’m Emmet Connolly and this is my blog. I live on the west coast of Ireland with my wife, two children, dog and cat. I work as VP of Product Design at Intercom.

Before that I worked at Google, where I started a side project with a couple of friends that we turned into Android Wear. We designed everything the from initial concepts through to the launched product. I also designed the first version of Google Flight Search. More work on my portfolio.

Making digital products fits me well, being an intersection of design, technology, and thinking about new things.

You can email me at and I’m @thoughtwax on Twitter. This is a slightly frowny version of what I look like:


I’m from Ireland, but I’ve lived all over the place: in Galway and Dublin, New Jersey, Edinburgh, Vancouver, Zurich, San Francisco, and now Dublin again. I studied an Arts degree in NUI Galway (I.T. and Politics), and a Masters in Digital Art in the University of Plymouth. I love to travel to new places, and in 2013 I took four months off to backpack around Asia.