
Back and recovered from Bristol and Submerge, where much enjoyment was had.

As part of the Submerge exhibition, my most recent Masters project, Re-News, was officially launched and on display in the exhibition, and even picked up third prize in the Innovation category of the Submerge Graduate Awards (well done to nice people Ruairi and Chris who took top spots in that category).

In installation form, Re-News consists of a bunch of recycled computer parts (affectionately known as The Bucket’) running LAMP and the software itself. News feeds from mainstream media sources are regularly aggregated, analysed, output and presented according to a quantative algorithm that favours repetition of content — essentially, the news media is recycled.

You can check the software out online at re-news.org.

It is, of course, best viewed on a dangerously overheating homemade computer in a cheap plastic basin running opensource software.

July 3, 2005