Me too!

I have nothing important to add, but it would be remiss of me not to point out that I too am totally excited by it all. They really seem to have done a wonderful job and produced a marvelously designed object. Bravo. Plus, we had lots of fun following the whole thing unfolding on IRC and websites.

Just one question though: will anyone be able to develop apps for this thing? It seems like it could be a catalyst for finally launching location-aware software into the mainstream, but it wasn’t really mentioned. I imagine it would require a whole new development platform though, right? Or maybe just an API for Cocoa? Would Cingular try to prevent a VOIP app (they evidently weren’t pleased enough to allow one to be bundled)? Is it UNIX based?

Ok, that was more than one question. No doubt more to come.

January 9, 2007