
Folksonomies - Cooperative Classification and Communication Through Shared Metadata ? la Flickr and del.icio.us. Content classification goes social.

January 17, 2005


As we move into the second half of the decade, some thoughts on what the future may bring… What do you believe is true even though you cannot prove it?”

January 5, 2005


You Are Beautiful

December 16, 2004


Airport designers are designing the kernel of a future city

December 11, 2004


Artist Michael Rakowitz’ paraSITE reclaims urban spaces on behalf of homeless people by exploiting existing public architecture. Exterior ventilation systems are used to inflate and supply warmth to easily transportable sleeping structures. The objects simultaneously meet a practical need of providing shelter and act as a visible form of protest against the homeless-proofing” of cities:

While these shelters were being used, they functioned not only as a temporary place of retreat, but also as a station of dissent and empowerment; many of the homeless users regarded their shelters as a protest device, and would even shout slogans like We beat you Uncle Sam!” The shelters communicated a refusal to surrender, and made more visible the unacceptable circumstances of homeless life within the city.

December 9, 2004


Ben & Jerry’s sponsor homeless people for advertising space by giving out free winter jackets in Amsterdam (registration required, dodge it)

November 30, 2004


DRM and Digital Media copyright lectures online:

November 23, 2004


The Urban Archipelago - the United Cities of America.

November 17, 2004


graffiti stop motion animation

November 15, 2004


Having lots of fun here at Deaf 04 in Rotterdam!

November 12, 2004


Messa di Voce

an audiovisual performance in which the speech, shouts and songs produced by two abstract vocalists are radically augmented in real-time by custom interactive visualization software

November 9, 2004


10x10 is an interactive exploration of the words and pictures that define the time”, drawing popular words and images from RSS news feeds. The developer has also structured the site to allow others to make use of it’s data. More goodness at Number27.

November 6, 2004