
Following on from the previous post, here’s an interesting response to being served with a cease-and-desist order by the copyright holder of a book’s lawyers that you’re not even hosting: provide a PHP script that decodes an encrypted version of the book that may only be run with the expressed permission of the lawyers themselves.

November 1, 2004


16thandmission - urban data stories. Interactive narratives and personal relationships with public spaces, presented as a map.

October 30, 2004


Map of Creativity is a nice experiment in mapping categorised data.

October 28, 2004


Lego robot plays Mario Bros. See also How to win Super Mario Bros.

October 26, 2004


A Map Larger Than the Territory

is a Web application that enables participants to represent their paths across the city using images, texts and sounds. Territory here is not a piece of land enclosed within borders but an interlocking network of lines or ways through. The map materialises and connects individual trajectories.

October 20, 2004


The Insecurities Project

In airports around the world, security personnel are now asking many travellers to take a photo to prove their camera is not a bomb… Devos is collecting these photographs for an international art project. While there have been many changes in our sense of security, this one may be the only one that is being documented; a record being produced by travellers on their journey.

October 13, 2004


GPS Drawing

October 12, 2004


Massive Change, the future of global design. Or, Now that we can do anything, what will we do?

October 5, 2004


Analysing speech patterns in conversation, using the first presidential debate as subject matter

October 1, 2004


Non-Geographic Mapping redrawing the distance-based world map according to travel time between cities

September 28, 2004


Strandbeest, wind powered kinetic sculptures, like real-life sodaplay. Don’t miss the videos

September 27, 2004


I Found Some Of Your Life

September 20, 2004