
How To Make your own Pirate Radio Station with an iPod using the iTrip accessory.

June 18, 2004


How I Drew One Of My Pictures and The Authorship of Generative Art.

Check out Signwaves software for more on this.

June 17, 2004


Simple Adventures for Everyday Living

June 9, 2004


Video of a homemade grafitti bicycle that can spray messages via a Bluetooth phone from the web. Thesis here.

See also GrafittiWriter, Hektor.

June 8, 2004


One Block Radius is a New York based project that maps a single block of the city, and invites contributors to add personally collected data to the map, creating an extensive psychogeographic survey” of the area.

Photos, sounds, text and video of a place or object are added to the map, documenting human-scale details and personal experiences of the area.

Project by Glowlab

May 20, 2004


Rubik’s cube solving Lego robot

May 18, 2004


This is great:

Winnoise is a composition illustrated in real time which masterfully exploits the standard resources to compose a pretty decent piece, with crude but nice elaborations. Both the sounds and the software used, SNDREC32.EXE, are present by default on every machine with Windows 95/98

May 17, 2004


Sound Reactive Type has been added to the projects section on the main site. It uses sound and mouse interaction. I got the idea from the generative.net logo.

May 15, 2004


Added new Flash to the Projects sections of Thoughtwax. Sound Waveforms is based on the video for Cornelius Bird Watching at Inner Forest’. Use your microphone to control the lines.

May 13, 2004


An updated version of They Rule, an online project similar to the work of Mark Lombardi, is live. There’s an intersting program on Lombardi at NPR.

Reminds me of the back cover of Yanqui U.X.O.

May 11, 2004


New version of Flight404 is live, showcasing some sweet Processing work.

May 6, 2004


A serious waste of paper, but good fun, the rasterbator allows you to upload a small image, and creates a giant rasterised version of it for printing.

Here’s mine.

April 27, 2004