
Get your learn on: webcasts of Digital Media lectures.

  • User_mode = emotion + intuition in art + design - a symposium

  • The Upgrade, A monthly gathering of new media artists and curators in NYC.

  • Numer00. Aesthetics, Metaphor, Dynamics, Usage, Narrative, Metadesign.

April 19, 2004


Vectorial Elevation is a public art experiment taking place in Dublin soon.

As of April 22, 2004, anyone who logs onto the website www.dublinelevation.net will be able to design enormous light sculptures in the sky of Dublin. The website will have a 3D virtual model of the city where participants can make a light design using 22 robotic searchlights placed around O?Connell Street. As submissions arrive from the Internet, every fifteen seconds a new pattern will be displayed in the sky.

Update: This made the front cover of the Irish Times

April 13, 2004


A GoCode is a tiny printed barcode-like hyperlink. Reminds me of Edward Tufte’s Sparklines.

For more on barcodes linking to online content, see hypulp: 1, 2, 3

April 1, 2004


Seems a lot of attention has being paid to information visualisation using maps recently, such as projects like GeoURL and Zipdecode. Overlaying geographic data onto a map is interesting, but I also like it when this geographic data is combined with local photography to produce a map of an area that can be viewed at different scales through photos of each section.

Similarly, RAW uses photos to create a timeline based map, and Cinema Redux uses photos to create a map of a movie. The notion of a map as a plan of physical space is expanded upon. In a way, I suppose all data visualisation is mapamaking.

Lots more interesting stuff going on at the course page for Information Visualization as Artistic Practice, taught by Golan Levin.

Update: More photo mapping of a city, London this time, in Street Sensation.

March 31, 2004


Best URL ever: http://del.icio.us/

March 23, 2004


Some Irish Digital Media links:

March 19, 2004


I’ve been experimenting with Proce55ing, an open source programming environment for producing visuals, developed by Ben Fry and Casey Reas at the Aesthetics + Computation Group, MIT.

Processing is an environment for learning the fundamentals of computer programming within the context of the electronic arts. it is an electronic sketchbook for developing ideas.

I’ll be posting some early experiments soon.

February 29, 2004


Finished the backend.

It’s built in ASP with an Access 2000 database storing the content. The entire site runs off a single file. There’s another file for content management, which allows me to add and edit entries, and manage the comments system. Comments have been enabled retrospectively.

The front end of the site is built with valid XHTML and CSS, so that means no markup for visual presentation and platform independent display.

The font used in the header is Baskerville Old Face.

And so to bed.

February 28, 2004


Some digital media links to get things rolling…

February 27, 2004


Dj Dangermouse has put together The Grey Album using only vocals from Jay-Z’s Black Album and music from The Beatles’ White Album. He has done an amazing job of putting a contemporary slant on 30 year old music, and the Grey album sounds fantastic. If you’re a Beatles fan it’s also a lot of fun to play spot the tune, as most tracks feature more than one song. Among the best music I’ve heard this year.

February 25, 2004


Blog.Thoughtwax is has been put together for a number of reasons.

Primarily, it’s an area to post general thoughts and links to items of interest. Secondly, it’s going to serve as an overflow area where I can present small items that don’t merit being put on the main site, and also present works in progress. Also, I’ve got a defective memory, so here’s where I can record a coherent line of thought. Mostly it’s to try to encourage myself to get more done.

If you find any browser bugs or have any feedback, let me know. I’m hoping to add a comments system in the near future.

February 24, 2004